Evidence Based
Our treatment approaches are always backed by research. When we utilize any technique, therapy, exercise, etc., our patients can be confident there is a reason why we are implementing it at that point in time. Education is the most important part of the process. We will always be able to explain why we chose a specific method. We never want you to be confused about what we are doing. It’s your body… Ask as many questions as you’d like!
Hands On
We believe that if someone is seeking our medical expertise, it is our responsibility to be with him/her through each treatment. We do NOT believe in having our patients do exercises in our office on their own as we focus our attention elsewhere, only to check in every once in a while. Whether we are performing manual therapy or watching as you perform a movement, you have our undivided attention throughout your visit.
When we conduct a patient exam, we don’t just focus on where the pain is located. In order to successfully diagnose, treat, and prevent any injury/ache/pain, we must know the CAUSE of the injury. Prescribing an exercise to make pain feel better is the same concept as prescribing medication to take the pain away. It may temporarily help, but is it creating a lasting effect? We need to understand WHY the issue presented itself before we can construct a thought pattern to FIX the issue. Was it from dysfunctional mechanics? Stress? Weakness? Neurological complications? Lack of flexibility? Nutrition? Discoordination? Something else? We need to look at the body from a global perspective in order to determine the best plan of action.
Results Oriented
If a patient comes to our office with a specific complaint (e.g pain in the shoulder while lifting the arm overhead), wouldn’t it make sense to continually track progress? We may help someone feel great with our treatments in office, but if we don’t subjectively and objectively re-check the issue, how do we know progress is being made? An adjustment feels good for most people, but is it fixing the issue? At the conclusion of EACH treatment, we want our patients to either feel better or feel confident that we are headed in the right direction with treatment. If progress is not being made, we have one of three options; we re-evaluate the diagnosis, re-evaluate course of treatment, or consider referring to another healthcare professional. If at any time, we believe someone else could make a more positive impact, we will ALWAYS look out for the best interest of the individual. This is what separates us from the majority of chiropractic physicians.